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2017-09 2021-04东北大学矿物加工工程博士

2014-09 2017-06广西大学矿物加工工程硕士

2010-09 2014-06广西大学 安全工程学士



1国家自然科学基金委员会青年科学基金项目微波-流态化协同强化复杂难选铁矿石磁化 焙烧机制研究30万元在研主持


3矿冶科技集团有限公司矿物加工科学与技术国家重点实验室开放基金选铁矿石微波-流态化焙烧协同强化矿相重构关键技术研究5万元 在研主持


5辽宁省委组织部青年拔尖人才复杂难选铁矿资源清洁磁化焙烧高效利用 50万元结题参与






必威betway西汉姆联网站“菁英计划”A类人才。近五年,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1、必威betway西汉姆联网站“菁英计划”人才启动项目1项、矿物加工科学与技术国家重点实验室开放基金1项、企业技术研发项目2项,参与国家自然科学基金及横向项目10余项;以第一/通讯作者在Journal of cleaner productionMinerals EngineeringPowder Technology、中国有色金属学报等国内外期刊发表学术论文30余篇,其中SCI收录20余篇;申请国际及国家发明专利10余项、获授权国家发明专利7项;担任多个国际SCI期刊经常性审稿人;任中文核心期刊《矿产保护与利用》青年编委。曾获博士国家奖学金、辽宁省优秀毕业生等荣誉称号。


(1) Wentao Zhou, Yongsheng Sun, Yuexin Han, Peng Gao, Yanjun Li. Recycling iron from oolitic hematite via microwave fluidization roasting and magnetic separation, Minerals Engineering, 2021, 164.

(2) Wentao Zhou, Yongsheng Sun, Yuexin Han, Peng Gao, Yanjun Li, An Innovative Technology for Utilization of Oolitic Hematite via Microwave Fluidization Roasting: Phase, Structure and Reaction Kinetics Analyses, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 2022, 43(6): 757-770.

(3) Zhou, Wen-tao, Han, Yue-xin, Sun, Yong-sheng, Li, Yan-jun. Strengthening iron enrichment and dephosphorization of high-phosphorus oolitic hematite using high-temperature pretreatment, International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, 2020, 27(4): 443-453.

(4) Wentao Zhou, Xiao Liu, Xianjun Lyu, Wenhao Gao, Huili Su, Chuanming Li. Extraction and separation of copper and iron from copper smelting slag: A review, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 368.

(5) Zhou, Wen-tao; Han, Yue-xin; Sun, Yong-sheng*; Yang, Jin-lin; Ma, Shao-jian. Multi-scale impact crushing characteristics of polymetallic sulphide ores. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2019, 9, 1929-1938.

(6) Zhou, Wentao; Sun, Yongsheng; Han, Yuexin; Li, Yanjun. Mechanism of microwave assisted suspension magnetization roasting of oolitic hematite ore. Journal of Central South University, 2022, 29 (2): 420-432.

(7) Wentao Zhou, Yongqiang Zhao, Xianjun Lyu, Wenhao Gao, Huili Su and Chuanming Li. Study on Microstructure Evolution of Oolitic Hematite during Microwave Fluidization Roasting. Minerals, 2022, 12, 507.

(8) Wentao, Zhou; Yuexin, Han*; Yanjun, Li, Jinlin, Yang; Shaojian, Ma; Yongsheng, Sun. Research on prediction model of ore grinding particle size distribution. Journal of dispersion science and technology. 2020, 4, 537-546.

(9) Yuan, Shuai, Zhou, Wentao*, Han, Yuexin, Li, Yanjun. Separation of manganese and iron for low-grade ferromanganese ore via fluidization magnetization roasting and magnetic separation technology, Minerals Engineering, 2020, 152: 0-106359.

(10) Yuan, Shuai; Zhou, Wentao*; Han, Yuexin; Li, Yanjun. Efficient enrichment of low-grade refractory rhodochrosite by preconcentration-neutral suspension roasting-magnetic separation process. Powder Technology. 2020, 361, 529-539.

(11) Gao, Peng; Zhou, Wentao*; Han Yuexin; Li Yanjun; Ren Wenli. Enhancing the capacity of large-scale ball mill through process and equipment optimization: An industrial test verification. Advanced Powder Technology. 2020, 5, 2079-2091.

(12) Sun, Yongsheng; Zhou, Wentao*; Han, Yuexin; Li, Yanjun. Effect of Different Additives on Reaction Characteristics of Fluorapatite During Coal-Based Reduction of Iron Ore. Metals, 2019, 9, 923.

(13) Yuan, Shuai; Zhou, Wentao*; Han, Yuexin; Li, Yanjun. Individual enrichment of manganese and iron from complex refractory ferromanganese ore by suspension magnetization roasting and magnetic separation. Powder Technology. 2020, 373, 689-701.

(14) Yuan, Shuai; Zhou, Wentao*; Han, Yuexin; Li, Yanjun. Selective enrichment of iron particles from complex refractory hematite-goethite ore by coal-based reduction and magnetic separation. Powder Technology. 2020, 367, 305-316.

(15) Yuan, Shuai; Zhou, Wentao*; Han, Yuexin; Li, Yanjun. An innovative technology for full component recovery of iron and manganese from low grade iron-bearing manganese ore. Powder Technology. 2020, 373, 73-81.


(1) 周文涛, 韩跃新, 李艳军, 杨金林. 基于Matlab和粒子群算法的磨矿技术效率预测模型[J]. 东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 40(4): 549-551+556.

(2) 周文涛, 韩跃新, 李艳军, 孙永升, 杨金林, 马少健. 锡石多金属硫化矿工艺矿物学及磨矿优化[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 50(6): 1272-1277.

(3) 周文涛, 韩跃新, 李艳军, 孙永升, 杨金林, 马少健. 冲击破碎粒度分布模型建立与预测[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2019, 29(06): 1316-1323.


(1) 韩跃新; 周文涛; 孙永升; 李艳军; 高鹏. 一种处理复杂难选铁矿石的微波-流态化焙烧装置, 2018-9-14, 中国, ZL201811072396.5.

(2) 韩跃新; 周文涛; 孙永升; 李艳军; 高鹏. 强化高磷铁矿石提铁降磷的微波流态化焙烧-浸出方法, 2018-9-14, 中国, ZL201811072372.X.

(3) 孙永升; 周文涛; 韩跃新; 李艳军; 高鹏; 袁帅. 强化复杂难选铁矿石解离的微波连续悬浮焙烧方, 2019-8-21, 中国, ZL201910773898.9.

(4) 孙永升; 周文涛; 韩跃新; 李艳军; 高鹏; 袁帅. 强化高磷鲕状赤铁矿提铁降磷的微波连续悬浮焙烧, 2019-8-21, 中国, ZL201910774603.X.

(5) 孙永升; 周文涛; 韩跃新; 李艳军; 高鹏; 袁帅. 一种用于处理铁矿石的微波连续悬浮磁化焙烧系, 2019-8-21, 中国, ZL201910773876.2.

(6) 孙永升; 韩跃新; 周文涛; 李艳军; 高鹏. 一种强化复杂难选铁矿石分选的微波-流态化焙烧方法, 2018-9-14, 中国, ZL201811072384.2.

(7) 韩跃新; 孙永升; 周文涛; 李艳军.  两段焙烧-磁选-浸出高磷鲕状赤铁矿提铁降磷的方法, 2018-6-27, 中国, ZL201810677901.2.






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